What might be possible if mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, and daughters across the globe joined together to demand climate justice? Let’s find out!

The goal is to create a week-long global wave of actions in mid-September that centers women/non-binary/genderqueer/trans people and recognizes that violence against the earth disproportionately affects women and children, communities of Black and Indigenous people, and People of the Global Majority.

The form the actions take will be diverse—non-violent civil disobedience in all shapes and sizes! Gather your crew, your families, and your allies, and bring your creative ideas to the table. We want to unleash initiative among mothers and their allies around the globe to design actions highlighting their community concerns for climate justice.  Your actions can be small and quiet, large and rowdy, or anything in-between.  Whether you do arrestable actions or not, YOU decide, as long as they are nonviolent.  

Who we are?  Mothers of Extinction Rebellion Los Angeles.

Who’s invited?  Everyone, everywhere as we center mothers, their families, and their allies! 

Why participate?  Simultaneous global actions (such as the April Scientist Rebellion) get far more attention–this can provide a platform for mothers to speak out about YOUR local community.

When?  Our first Zoom meeting will be July 7th at 11:00am PDT / 6pm GMT.  Please join us if you can. We’d love a diversity of voices chiming in from the very start.  Zoom information:         Meeting ID: 966 0878 1849


The global week of action for Mothers Rebellion starts 9/17/22.  We’ll hold Zoom meetings in July through early September for sharing, networking, and supporting each other as we plan our actions.  JOIN US!


Contact: if you are interested but cannot attend our first meeting or have other questions.




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